Bikes & Helmets Program
Kiwanis Calgary Chinook Gives Away Bike #8000
In 2021 our numbers were still lower than our normal yearly numbers, but despite continuing Covid 19, we were able to increase our 2020 numbers by about 50%. We donated 317 bikes and 295 new helmets throughout the city (the agencies are listed on the reverse page). This includes bikes and helmets to those referred to us by friends, neighbors, etc. The many cards & thank-you letters we receive from the children, their parents and caseworkers express their joy and appreciation.
At the end of August we gave away the 8000th bike of the program. We had a small but wonderful celebration to mark the occasion. Our goal in 2022 is to continue providing ‘Bike’ & ‘Bike Helmet’ days to many less fortunate in our community. We are hoping to get back to more normal operating conditions and increase the number of bikes and helmets we give away. We also want to celebrate our 25th Anniversary with a media event! During 2021, the Kiwanis Club of Calgary Chinook also distributed approximately 200 pieces of sporting goods to children, their families, and individuals less fortunate than ourselves. This included 25 backpacks stuffed with school supplies. If you would like further information or wish to contribute or volunteer to the program please contact: Email: We thank you all for the support you give our bike program. A special thank you to all of our volunteers and another big thank you to all of our agencies for distributing our bikes to their clients. All of this combines to make so many lives so much richer! |
Key Club

Stay tuned for more information soon.
Youth Recognition Watch Awards

2021 Edition
Again this year, our May banquet had to be cancelled due to pandemic restrictions, but four schools participated in the program – Sherwood School, Sir Wilfrid Laurier School, Bob Edwards School, and GP Vanier School. Congratulations to the 37 Grade 9 recipients of the Youth Recognition Watch Awards. We thank you for all you have done to make a difference in your school community.
We also extend our appreciation to the teachers who make the administration of the program possible in their schools. Your mentorship and encouragement of these students is so important.
Again this year, our May banquet had to be cancelled due to pandemic restrictions, but four schools participated in the program – Sherwood School, Sir Wilfrid Laurier School, Bob Edwards School, and GP Vanier School. Congratulations to the 37 Grade 9 recipients of the Youth Recognition Watch Awards. We thank you for all you have done to make a difference in your school community.
We also extend our appreciation to the teachers who make the administration of the program possible in their schools. Your mentorship and encouragement of these students is so important.
Scholarships & Bursaries

With the help & support of the Kiwanis Foundation of Canada, the Kiwanis Club of Calgary Chinook congratulates our scholarship and matching bursary recipients for 2021!
This year The Kiwanis Calgary Chinook Club has awarded Scholarships to two great young people.
C.M. has been described as one who learns and grows from every experience that is presented to her. She shows dedication and drive to accomplish her goals.
She has been passionate about volunteering and about helping others; and was involved in Thirsk Key Club.
Congratulations to C.M. who will be attending University of Victoria, Environmental Sciences.
J.A. has been a well-rounded student who has demonstrated academic excellence. She has been described as a natural born leader, and one with a remarkable positive outlook on life.
She has a passion for helping others. She has been actively engaged in supporting the school, the local community as well as the global community through her involvement in Key Club.
Congratulations to J.A. who will be attending University of Calgary, Bachelor of Education Program.
This year The Kiwanis Foundation of Canada has awarded Matching Bursaries to four great young people.
R.L. has been described as a hard worker who is dedicated to her family, her friends and her pursuits.
She has been a strong student, with a drive to do well academically. She has been involved in her community. She has learned what it means to make a difference by helping and encouraging others.
Congratulations to R.L. who will be attending University of Mount Royal, Bachelor of Nursing Program.
S.K. has been an extremely hard-working student; very academically minded.
Through volunteering he learned that there is a sense of fulfillment that comes from helping others. He valued being able to give back to a community that have helped him and his family.
Congratulations to S.K. who will be attending University of Calgary, Bachelor of Science Program.
S.F. has been a well-rounded student who has done well academically.
She has demonstrated an ability to advocate for herself and others. She volunteers whenever the opportunity arises.
Congratulations to S.F. who will be attending University of Calgary, Bachelor of Science Program.
C.Y. demonstrated a dedication to academics, as well as community involvement.
His involvement in community taught him about self-sacrifice & empathy.
Congratulations to C.Y. who will be attending University of Toronto, Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering.
Kiwanis Calgary Chinook Trivia Night
Kiwanis Calgary Chinook Thanks
All Our Trivia Night Donors For Their Generosity
Thanks also to:
- Anita Warriner – Falonridge / Castleridge Community Association
- Ancora Décor – Beiseker
- Joanne Biegun
- Michelle Carneiro
- Dell Stephens
- Darlene Kerr & Herman Friesen